How to create a great profile: 

As part of the onboarding process with AtHome you will be required to fill out the carer registration form. The aim of this form is to gather all the important information about you, so we can build your carer profile. 

Your profile acts as your CV for clients to see when you are shortlisted for assignments on the AtHome portal.  

It is important to ensure the information you provide when registering shows your personality, experience, and training accurately. 

The following information will provide you with the different sections of the profile form and what you can do to make your unique profile stand out from the crowd. 

“About Me”: 

The aim of this section is to tell your potential client about you, so they can get to know a bit about you before accepting you into their home. Some things to consider when writing your “About me” is: 

1. The length – The length of your “About Me” section is key to writing a successful passage about you. Too short and you will not include enough information. Too long and it will be an information overload. Our advice is to keep it between 100 – 200 words. 

2. The content – What you write about in this section will contribute to your potential client’s first impression of you, so be sure to include positive and useful information. This can include information about your personality, family, work ethic, hobbies and interests, cooking skills, and why you love being a carer, companion or PA. Make sure to spell check your information and you are happy with the information you are sharing. 

Living With & Caring for Pets”: Many of our client’s have pets they cherish and want to find a carer or companion who is comfortable to live with and/or care for their pets.  It is important that you answer this question honestly, as we need accurate information to successfully match you with your ideal client. 

Levels of Experience:  

This aim of this section is to clearly convey your experience in specific conditions to your potential client.  You will be asked to upload your documentation and references where required. 

Driver Status: 

A client may wish for a carer that drives. During the onboarding process you will need to confirm –  

if you can drive 

if you have your own car 

Can you drive a manual, automatic, or both 

Are you willing to drive your clients in your car 

Do you hold a UK driving licence among other questions 

This information will be displayed on your profile for your potential client to see. If you can drive and are willing to be presented to our client’s as a driver, we will ask you to provide us with evidence of your driver’s license for safety purposes. If you cannot drive, do not worry as we have many clients who do not require a workers who can drive. 

Self-Employment Status:  

You will need to confirm if you have worked as a self-employed carer before or are registered as a self-employed carer.  If you are not, we will ask you to register as self-employed with the UK government. Once you register as self-employed and your application has been accepted, you will gain a unique tax reference number (UTR), which will be displayed in this section of your profile. See our guide to becoming self employed  

Self Employed Live-in Carers Insurance: 

To be able to work with our clients, you must have self employed carers insurance/public liability insurance.  

We ask all our carers to be insured before going to care for a client as the insurance protects you from:

  • Accidental injury to any person in relation to your work  

  • Injury to yourself as a result of your work 

  • Loss or damage to property 

  • Allegations of negligence or abuse 

  • You will need to have an insurance certificate in order to register on the portal.