How do I get started with AtHome?

It’s easy to search for a self-employed carer with AtHome

1: Start by registering your email for an account Here, then when you are registered, fill out the job form specifying the type of care and support required.

2: AtHome will match these requirements to the carers available based on the information you have provided.

3: Matched carers will then be presented as profiles along with videos and information on previous experience. Choose who you would like to contact further. Please note, that many carers will travel, so don’t be put off by a carer’s location if you need long-term or live-in care.

4: Once you have chosen a carer(s) and agreed to your requirements, you can use our online contract in your portal to create your agreement.

5: The agreed rota (carer work schedule) will then appear in your account along with the carer’s contact information and all relevant aspects of the care agreed upon once contracts have been signed.

6: All invoices can be paid through the portal or directly to your carer. All hours of engagement are clearly recorded by both carer and the client.

7: You can then repeat the process with other carers or the same carers ongoing so you are able to manage the care you need regardless of carer's absence, holidays or sickness.

8: You can then communicate via chat with your carer on a daily basis, or join the care reporting app for more detailed information.

Relax knowing that you are completely in control of your care, budget, and rota.

FAQ - registering with AtHome

  • It is FREE to register with AtHome. We do not charge the client to register. We are striving to make care more affordable, personalised and to give people needing care and their families control over how and where they source care. In addition, we want to keep the cost of supplying care as cost effective as we can.

  • It is FREE to register with AtHome. We do not charge carers or companions to register. We are striving to make it easier for clients and carers to work together.

  • Many care agencies charge between 15-20% of the cost of the care as a fee. As an example, If a client was paying £1000 per week, the agency will charge £150- 200 so your total cost of care could be £1200 per week (plus applicable taxes)

    We believe we can do better.

    Our fees are the lowest in the sector at 10% so if you are paying your carer £1000 our fee would be just £100. (plus applicable taxes).

    Over 1 month in this simplified comparison, you would save £400 a month, equating to £4800 a year.

    This low fee means you can share the savings with your care team to get the best care.

  • There are huge costs associated with operating any business, such as innovative software, phone lines, insurance, marketing and salaries to name just a few. We have streamlined as much as possible to reduce the fees we charge, and we will continue to do so. We believe our low fee is very competitive, enabling clients to find care directly 24/7. We believe we offer the best possible solution for engaging self-employed carers and companions.

  • Yes! They most likely are. We offer self-employed carers and companions the opportunity to register with us. We don’t discourage them from registering with any other agency. Why? Because we believe they will get the best experience with AtHome working directly with the client. Our competitive fees allows both carers and clients to negotiate fair rates for both parties. The money saved in agency fees with AtHome can be used to pay the carers more, employ more care and create a better all round experience.