Employing your own carer

Instead of using an introductory agency like AtHome, it is possible to employ your own carer directly.

This is sometimes referred to as a private carer or personal assistant.

Before you do this, be sure that you are fully aware of your responsibilities as an employer.

If you employ a carer directly rather than using a self-employed carer through an introduction agency like AtHome, you have the legal responsibility of an employer.

This includes arranging pay, tax, and national insurance as well as organising cover for any illness as well as paying for their holiday days and possible pensions among other responsibilities. This is one reason it is a good idea to use an introduction agency like AtHome so you have 24/7 access to a number of different carers in the event of an emergency or change of circumstances.

For further information, Which? Later Life Care has advice on employing a private carer if that is something you are considering.