We have recently experienced a significant and unprecedented public health situation with COVID-19.
Our key priority is the safety and well-being of carers and clients introduced via AtHome, their families and the wider community. Our service continues to operate as usual and live in care in particular has been noted as the safest form of care, particularly with the high transmission rates within care homes.
We would like to take this opportunity to reassure you that we are doing all we can to keep our clients safe, and we are taking our responsibility in this difficult period very seriously with extreme precautions put in place.
We believe it’s important that every client can make an informed choice, and feel confident that the measures you choose have been taken to keep your loved ones as safe as possible from COVID-19. So, we want to provide you with clear information regarding the vaccination status of AtHome registered carers.
Our position on vaccinations as an Introductory agency
AtHome care matches experienced carers on a self-employed basis with clients requiring care. Whilst we strongly advise that staff take up the vaccine, we cannot insist they get vaccinated as we do not employ carers directly.
To ensure peace of mind for our clients, as part of the process for carers to advertise their services on our portal, we have included a section which invites carers to disclose their vaccine status so our clients have an informed choice.